Roger - G4BVY

This is Roger's, G4BVY, homepage. It will vary in content with time and will never be complete or finished!!


The majority of my activity is in contests. These days I will normally be worked operating portable fron IO81NV in GW in VHF contests. Though I will pop up from various locations around the UK on various expeditions and contests. A recent example was the G4BVY / G4XUM mini expedition to IO72 for VHFNFD 2007 on 6m and 4m.


October 28th 2013 - the J6/G4BVY, V25VY and the 2003/2005/2007 3B8/G4BVY logs are now on Logbook-of-the-World. (The 2001 3B8 logs were logged on paper and have not been typed in --- yet!)

Expeditions "the exotic stuff"

NEWS - the 2007 3B8/G4BVY logs are now available

G4BVY was active from the Almond Morgan Bay Hotel, St Lucia as J6/G4BVY from February 18th to February 25th, 2006. This coincided with the ARRL DX CW contest which was great fun!

I've operated as 3B8/G4BVY three times in 2001, 2003 and 2005.

In January 2004 I was active as V25VY from the Grand Pineapple Beach on Antigua.

Electronic logs and QSL status (which will be updated from time to time) appear on this web site for all these except 3B8 in 2001 which was paper logged.

CSS coding

The current layout represents my early attempts at CSS styling. Any feedback on browser compatibility (or otherwise!) would be most welcome.

Malvern Hills Radio Amateurs Club

I'm a founder member of this club and if you are ever in the Malvern area - feel free to call in. Or you can visit the club at Malvern Hills Radio Amateurs Club.

Current conditions in Malvern UK - IO82UC